YAPAbility Webinar – Reach your Full Potential
On Tuesday November 9th YAP held our final webinar of 2021 ‘YAPAbility, Reach your full Potential’ hosted by our director of Services Aisling Nodwell. The webinar focused on the relaunch of our disability service that has been renamed YAPAbility which fits more inline with our strengths based, inclusive and wraparound approach.
The Webinar was also used to celebrate the launch of our latest research independently conducted by the UNESCO Child and Family research centre in NUIG; ‘Conceptualising Participation in Practice in YAP Ireland’.
On the day we were joined live by Kate Duggan Tusla National Director of Service & Integration, Bernie McNally Assistant Secretary General of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dr Tracey Monson, CEO Daughters of Charity, Michael Ryan, Head of Mental Health Reform and Engagement HSE, Dr Carmel Corrigan, Office for Ombudsman for Children, Head of Participation and Rights Education and Rebecca Jackson, Lead Researcher NUIG.
We were also delighted to receive video contributions from Cathal Grant of Tusal, Cathy and Eileen from Sunbeam house and both live and prerecorded contributions from YAP Staff, Families and young people who always add such a positive contribution for our webinars.
If you missed the webinar you can watch the recording here: https://bit.ly/3ksiwRx
To Download a copy of the key findings from the research visit: https://bit.ly/3FfZmGR
To learn more about the YAPAbility Programme visit our website : https://yapireland.ie/…/our…/disability-support-service/