The YAP Ireland national citizenship event titled ‘I am a Citizen’ held on 23rd October in the Croke Park conference centre was a great success. We heard the views of young people and families from across Ireland on what it means to them to be a Citizen. The topics explored on the day included – community engagement, inter generational co-operation and giving back. The views and opinions gathered will be compiled into a report with recommendations on how young people and families who often feel excluded can really take ownership as citizens of Ireland. Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs addressed the event and was later presented with a YAP Passport by the Young People involved with YAP. The passport represents her inclusion as a Citizen of YAP.
The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald T.D. addressed the event and was later presented with a YAP Passport by the Young People involved.