YAP Ireland celebrated the Dublin launch of its 2013 Annual Report on Wednesday 11th June 2014 in YAP Ireland’s Head Office, Park House, Dublin.  The theme of YAP Ireland’s Annual Report for 2013 is ‘partnership’ which is fundamental to the success of the YAP Ireland model.  YAP Ireland works in partnership with the Child and Family Agency in delivering services to young people and families and with other services such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health, schools and community and voluntary organisations; and most importantly, with the young people and families referred to the service.

2013 was a busy year for YAP Ireland with NUI Maynooth completing their longitudinal evidence informed research into the impact of the YAP Programme on outcomes for young people and families. The research found that the YAP programme achieves positive outcomes across a range of measures.  YAP Ireland also undertook many partnerships with young people in 2013 and was successful in its application to become a member of Investing in Children evidencing “Dialogue leading to Change”.

The Youth CEO group formed in 2013 following a recommendation from the Youth Forum and the group have continued to develop the role of the Youth CEO for YAP Ireland. Given the theme of the Annual Report is Partnership, we would like to extend a huge ‘thank you’ to our partners in the Child and Family Agency, young people, families, carers, staff, and members of the Board, those partners who attended YAP events, completed the YAP Partner Survey and who continue to champion the YAP Model within referral agencies to ensure that as many young people as possible can access services like YAP.