YAP Ireland Blog2020-04-21T17:23:34+01:00

Investing in Children

April 17th, 2014|What We've Been Up To|

In 2013, YAP Ireland CLG worked with a UK based group Investing in Children to review how YAP promote young people’s rights in our work. We felt that this was a good opportunity for YAP to put forward our strengths based approach and commitment to involving young people in all aspects of our work.

YAP Youth Forum

February 28th, 2014|What We've Been Up To|

On February 20th, the YAP Youth Forum met for the third time. 18 young people from the programme attended the day. On the day, the group discussed how the group would work, how the Youth CEOs would be elected and they did some work on developing an information brochure on the group.

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