2016 Dublin Parents Participation Group
Our parent participation group has been going from strength to strength since it started early last year. We meet every second week and cook ourselves a bit of a fry up!
Our parent participation group has been going from strength to strength since it started early last year. We meet every second week and cook ourselves a bit of a fry up!
Christmas has arrived in the YAP office thanks to some of our very creative young people.
Youth Advocate Programmes Ireland CLG National Event took place this year in Croke Park on 17th of August 2017. Young people, parents/carers and staff presented a range of projects on the theme of Young People Speak Out - ‘How Can I Bring About Change’.
For the past 12 months we have been working on a participation project in the Midlands with our colleagues in TUSLA. The project has been based around Youth Voice and Participation and has been completed through the medium of Art.
Huge thanks to YAP Patron and professional rugby player Craig Ronaldson, who was able to take time out of his busy schedule to join our young people and staff on Wednesday 28th June.
YAP Ireland CLG were delighted to attend the Launch of TUSLA National Children's and Young Peoples Charters
YAP were delighted to be invited to present a stand at the Oberstown event #buildingthefuture in the Smock Alley Theatre, Exchange Street, Dublin 8 on 29th May.
Joan King, Service Manager YAP Ireland CLG, represented YAP at the Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Strategy event in Croke Park on 22nd May.
A big congratulations and thanks to Jennifer and Aine who completed the 2017 VHI Women's Mini Marathon
YAP Ireland CLG were delighted to be invited to present at the TUSLA Creative Community Alternatives Showcase - on High Prevention, Commissioning for Better Outcomes, at St. Andrews Family Resource Centre, Dublin on the 26th April.