May 2022

YAP Youth Forum

In April, YAP hosted the first YAP Youth Forum of the Year. Advocates and their young people were invited along to take part in this exciting participation group event. Everyone in attendance went to Castlecomer discovery park in Kilkenny for and adventurous day out.  The group got involved in some fun team-building challenges and some

November 2021

YAPAbility Webinar – Reach your Full Potential

On Tuesday November 9th YAP held our final webinar of 2021 'YAPAbility, Reach your full Potential' hosted by our director of Services Aisling Nodwell. The webinar focused on the relaunch of our disability service that has been renamed YAPAbility which fits more inline with our strengths based, inclusive and wraparound approach. The Webinar was also

Conceptualising Participation Practices within YAP

Research project conducted by NUIG in 2021 The latest NUIG research project looked at the way that participation happens within YAP. They interviewed and conducted focus groups (mostly over Zoom due to COVID-19 restrictions), with a wide range of stakeholders including board members, full-time employees, advocates, young people and their families. During these interviews and

October 2021

Youth Forum October 2021

The third and final Youth Forum took place in Cabra Parkside - it was great to be face to face once again. We had a mix of team building activities it was amazing to see the different ways people approached the tower from materials game. There was also a lot of laugher and competitiveness when

August 2021

Global Youth Voices – International Youth Day 2021

International Youth Day is celebrated annually on 12 August to bring youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrate the potential of youth as partners in today’s global society. YAP Global Youth Voices celebrates this year with the theme: YAP GLOBAL YOUTH VOICES REFLECT & REBUILD: A CELEBRATION OF RESILIENCE.   YAP

June 2021

Nature Photography Competition

Over the month of May YAP Ireland held a nature photography competition encouraging young people to get as creative as possible and embrace the great outdoors. We were blown away by the amazing entries we received by our young people who consistently prove how talented they are. Check out some of our entries below.

April 2021

April Poetry Competition

For the month of April, YAP Ireland launched a poetry competition, encouraging all of our young people to put pen to paper and compose some poetry on the theme of 'Hope' or 'New Beginnings'. We have been completely blown away by some of the poetry composed by our talented young people.  Below are some of

March 2021

Bingo Fever!

Recently, the parents group had their ritual game of Bingo! To say it sparked bingo fever was an understatement!! Few excited people waiting patiently on their numbers to be called. Good fun was had by all.  Congratulations to our 3 winners: Liz, Kim and new parent Annette. The prizes will be organised by Lead Advocates. We would like to welcome all

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