June 2021

Nature Photography Competition

Over the month of May YAP Ireland held a nature photography competition encouraging young people to get as creative as possible and embrace the great outdoors. We were blown away by the amazing entries we received by our young people who consistently prove how talented they are. Check out some of our entries below.

April 2021

April Poetry Competition

For the month of April, YAP Ireland launched a poetry competition, encouraging all of our young people to put pen to paper and compose some poetry on the theme of 'Hope' or 'New Beginnings'. We have been completely blown away by some of the poetry composed by our talented young people.  Below are some of

YAP Easter Art

The South Participation group have been busy each week with various different online group meetings and projects. Last week they hosted a talent showcase over zoom where one young person demonstrated boxing, another gave a presentation on safe cycling and young person Courtney showcased her amazing art.. Big thank you to Courtney and her advocate

Easter Antics

Lots of young people and their advocates have been getting out and about over the Easter break which we love to see. Please continue to send in images of what you get up to, as the restrictions begin to ease we look forward to seeing some different scenery in the coming weeks. Diarmuid Gavin watch

March 2021

Tidy Towns

Huge well done to young person Niamh and her Advocate Emily who decided to give some of their time to volunteer for Niamh's local tidy towns last week! They both did some really good work cleaning up the local area and sent us in some before and after pictures. Tidy towns is a great way

Snap and Step Challenge

Due to the widespread societal restrictions imposed by the ongoing lockdown, YAP Ireland challenged our young people, advocates and staff to a 'Step and Snap' challenge to help us get through the dark winter months. This challenged encouraged our young people and staff to get out and embrace their local surroundings, in a socially distant

Bingo Fever!

Recently, the parents group had their ritual game of Bingo! To say it sparked bingo fever was an understatement!! Few excited people waiting patiently on their numbers to be called. Good fun was had by all.  Congratulations to our 3 winners: Liz, Kim and new parent Annette. The prizes will be organised by Lead Advocates. We would like to welcome all

November 2020

Meath Office Makeover!

The YAP Meath team are well settled into their new offices on Brews Hill. To make it more young people friendly they have gathered together their young people and advocates to redecorate the office and have come up with some cool feature rooms. The new office space now features a cool cinema room with bean bags and a projector,

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