March 2025

January 2025

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Positive feedback for YAP Ireland services

YAP Ireland staff recently received some positive feedback from several of our partners. Enable Ireland and Children in Care both praised the work of staff in various services as we work within our values and towards the goals that underpin our model. Well done to our staff for their hard work and commitment! #youth #youthwork #ireland #irish #yap #yapireland #disabilityawareness #disability #services #care

August 2024

March 2023

International Women’s Day 2023 at YAP

YAP Inc have been busy highlighting the amazing international members of YAP, interviewing them about promoting women's achievements through their work with YAP, their thoughts on various challenges as well as how to focus greater attention on women's rights and gender equality. YP Ireland's very own Aisling Madden Nodwell and Siobhán O'Dwyer are featured amongst YAP members from

November 2022

YAP’s Strengths Based Approach Praised in International Academic Journal

An international academic journal, has just published an article written by NUIG researchers about the positive benefits of the Strengths Based Model that we use here every day in YAP. This article is based on the research project that NUIG conducted with YAP during 2019/2020. The researchers speak positively about all the hard work that

October 2022

August 2022

January 2022

Gaisce Success

YAP Ireland would like to extend a huge congratulations to our young person Peter who recently received his bronze Gaisce award. Peter had a difficult few months personally,  but continued to dedicate his time and energy to achieving this award and we are really delighted for him. Below is a message from his advocate Geraldine who is

April 2021

YAP Easter Art

The South Participation group have been busy each week with various different online group meetings and projects. Last week they hosted a talent showcase over zoom where one young person demonstrated boxing, another gave a presentation on safe cycling and young person Courtney showcased her amazing art.. Big thank you to Courtney and her advocate

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