
What is YAPAbility?

The YAPAbility Programme is a community-based support service that provides a 12-month Intensive Support Programme for young people aged 8 to 23 and their families. The programme is designed to offer a strengths-based, needs-led approach to help participants achieve their goals within their community. Support may include developing independent living skills, enhancing involvement in family, school/education, and community life, as well as reducing the risk of placement breakdowns.

The YAPAbility Programme is tailored for young people who have mild to moderate learning difficulties and or a physical disability (or who are waiting for a diagnosis). Many of the young people will have diagnoses of Autism.

To be eligible, young people must be under 24 years old at the time of referral. Please note that this programme does not provide personal care.

How does YAPAbility work?

The YAPAbility Programme is a 12-month support service that offers one-on-one help, with up to 15 hours of support per week for each young person. The service focuses on what each individual needs and builds on their strengths.

Young Person
Young PersonYAPABility Young Person
Meet a young person from YAPAbility

Male Age: 12 with Prader Willi Syndrome

Reason for Referral: This young person was isolated in his community and did not engage in sports or recreational activities.

He struggled with social skills and struggled to make friends

He did not have any male role model.

He wanted to develop appropriate coping strategies and ways of expressing his dissatisfaction

Goals : The young person wanted to better control his emotions and not lash out at friends and family.

He wanted to develop coping strategies and not become aggressive toward friends or families.

His aim was to maintain his school placement and join a boxing club

How we achieved this: The YAP Advocate linked the young person into CAMHS and then into Jigsaw for support around his mental health.

The Advocate linked the young person into a local boxing club;

Promoted the needs of the family to the social work department and got his mother to enrol and complete the Non-Violent Resistance training.

The YAP Advocate discussed coping strategies with young person while on session.

Outcome: Young person joined the local boxing club and lost over a stone.

Mum is better able to understand and handle the young person due to the non-violent resistance training.

The young person is doing better in school.

The young person has extended periods without outbursts and with less intensity

Benefits to Young People and Families through YAPAbility:

  • Improved Self Esteem and Confidence – Building Resilience

  • Enhanced Community Links including education, employment and training, attending clubs, embracing hobbies, taking part in Voice and Participation opportunities
  • Improved Parenting Skills and reduction in family isolation

  • Improved attendance at therapeutic appointments and practice of skills learned

  • Having support specific to their needs, in their area at their own pace including independent living

  • Ability to live full lives in the community and be active participants in meaningful activities

  • Support Parents and Siblings as part of the service

  • Ensuring access to services based on individual needs

  • Improving resilience and community engagement

  • Promoting Self Advocacy for Young People enabling them to make positive decisions about the services they are part of

  • Encouraging independent living and support in making this transition

Benefits to Funders through YAPAbility:

  • Increasing inclusion in community services

  • Supports Sláintecare – improving Ireland’s healthcare system

  • Reducing the number of Young People and Families on waiting lists

  • Reducing the number of missed and cancelled CAMHS appointments

  • Enhancing the outcomes for young people and families in line with Mental Health and Disability Policy

  • Reducing the number of presentations at Emergency Departments

  • Reducing dependence on day services

‘We’ve had a break through in the last few weeks and my son is now engaging with Advocate, it’s hard with Autism. (My son) is getting out and about with someone positive. The Advocate is a good role model. First few weeks were tricky but then they discovered that they have a mutual love for soccer and the gym. I’m delighted with everything.’


‘I can now cope with my emotions and my relationship with my family is better.’

Young Person


We identified 234 young people with a disability/autism diagnosis at referral between 2011 and 2019. 80% showed an improvement in Self Esteem/Confidence; 83% improvement in Self Harm Behaviours; 80% in Parenting Skills, 82% in Education and 82% in enhancing home and community links.

The outcomes for these young people and families are very positive and in line with the outcomes of the whole cohort of Young people availing of the services of YAP.


We identified 306 young people with a mental health diagnosis at referral between 2011 and 2019. 75% showed an improvement in Self Esteem/Confidence; 82% improvement in Self Harm Behaviours; 79% in Parenting Skills and 71% in attendance at school etc.

The outcomes for these young people and families are very positive and in line with the outcomes of the whole cohort of Young people availing of the services of YAP.