How we research & evaluate our services
Research and evaluation of our services is undertaken in order to increase our knowledge of the Young People and Families that we work with and to use this knowledge to inform our practice, improve service provision and to devise new programmes.
Knowledge gathered is used to reflect the efficacy of the YAP Model and work practices to ensure that we are providing the highest quality service possible. Our research enables us to provide evidence to funders (and potential funders) of the positive outcomes that we are achieving using the YAP Model with Young People presenting with a wide range of issues. See Research Policy.
We evaluate our services both internally and externally
Internally: We have developed a range of tools to help us capture information from all stakeholders:
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ’s): The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief emotional and behavioural screening questionnaire for young people and parents/carers.
Quality Calls/Questionnaires: YAP Ireland carries out quality questionnaires with parents/carers, young people and referrers to assess how their involvement with YAP.
Outcome Data: Outcomes are recorded for Young People over four domains; Self, Family, Education and Risky Behaviour.
Externally: In 2019 NUIG conducted a longitudinal research study of the YAP Advocate model titled ‘The Strengths and Challenges of thr YAP Ireland Community Based Advocate Model’.
In 2014 NUI Maynooth conducted a longitudinal study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the YAP model in an Irish context, to assess whether the structure of the organisation is fit for purpose and whether its new programmes contribute to positive outcomes for young people and families.
Investing in Children Membership Award: We are evaluated annually for the Investing in Children membership award™. The award recognises and celebrates examples of imaginative and inclusive practice that demonstrate a commitment to dialogue with young people that leads to change.