At 1 month before undertaking a fundraising campaign or event on behalf of YAP Ireland CLG you should send your proposal to us at You should include in your email an outline of how you intend to raise funds, the date, time and venue of the event and your contact details for us to respond to you. This will give us time to prepare a fundraising pack for you and help in whatever way we can.
Tips for Planning an Event
- Decide the kind of event you want to run and allow enough time to prepare before setting the date.
- Contact YAP and see how we can help.
- What will be involved and what will it cost you to run it? Will you need tickets? Will you be buying materials, collecting sponsorship?
- Remember to consider your date carefully. You want to ensure you get as many people as possible along to your event. Think about whether there might be competing events on the same night / in the area? Also think about any sporting events / bank holidays etc. that may prevent people from coming along.
- What jobs need to be done? Make a timetable working backwards from the event date. Remember to conduct a risk assessment at your venue and obtain the necessary permissions and licenses.
- Enlist the helpers you need and allocate tasks. Meet up regularly to keep a record of progress and any problems that might crop up.
- Could other ideas be added to your event to generate more money (e.g. raffle, auction)?
- Publicity!!! Get people talking about the event – the best publicity you can get is word of mouth. Use every appropriate method to let people know it is happening – posters, flyers, banners, emails, Facebook etc. YAP can help with this.
- If you are selling tickets, try and sell as many as possible before the event, so you have an idea of numbers attending. Ask friends if they will sell tickets for you.
- Ensure first aid and security plans are working.
- Make sure you have enough help during the event and for clearing up afterwards.
- After the event count up all the money and make sure all expenses have been paid out. Then bank the rest with YAP Ireland using the lodgement slip provided to you.
- Thank the venue, any sponsors you had, and everyone who helped.
- Celebrate your success in the knowledge that you have made a difference in a Young Persons life
There are some guidelines that you should follow when undertaking an event in aid of YAP Ireland CLG.
- Use of the YAP Ireland CLG logo is not permitted without prior written permission from YAP.
- Anyone organising an event in aid of YAP Ireland CLG should have knowledge of our organisation and be aware of our Child Protection Policy.
- Any event involving collections from the public requires a Garda permit. Please contact your local Garda station.
- Please inform YAP if you intend to approach companies for sponsorship either as direct contributions or as goods for prizes or draws etc.
- Please also inform us of any media promotion (newspapers, radio or printed) that you are planning to do.
Corporate Sponsorship
If you would like to sponsor YAP Ireland CLG, please contact our office on 01 8689180 or email
YAP Ireland CLG is an extremely cost-effective alternative to the high financial and emotional costs of care placements as well as reducing caseloads within social work services. The costs of placing a young person in private residential at €4k per week as opposed to a six month YAP place at €10,500.
At present YAP Ireland CLG receives funding from the HSE, TUSLA and the Irish Youth Justice Service.
YAP uses an outcomes system to measure the positive impact of the YAP model. This system assists YAP Ireland CLG in measuring exactly what we are achieving through our work and allows us to enhance the services we offer to continue to improve the outcomes for young people and families.
The outcome rating is on a scale of 1 – 9, with 1 indicating significant issues, 4 some difficulties, 5 is a medium point and 6 – 9 showing some or significant improvements. We use the scale 1 – 9 as given the strengths based model every small step toward positive change is an important one.
The 2016 outcomes data showed the following;
- Self: 84% improvement in Self-esteem/Confidence; 82% in Relationship with Peers; 83% in Emotional Wellbeing and 80% in Withdrawn/Isolated.
- Family: 78% improvement in Parenting Skills, 86% in Home Environment –Physical/ Financial and 79% in Social Supports Family.
- Education: 79% improvement in General Behaviour, 78% in Attendance and 79% in Aspirations.
- Safety/Offending: 84% improvement in Risky Behaviour/ Self, 80% in Impulsivity and 91% in Co-operation with JLO/Gardaí.