BECOME A YAP Ireland Partner
YAP Ireland’s primary funder is Tusla Child and Family Agency. We are also funded by the HSE, Oberstown Children’s Detention Campus, St John of Gods and St. Patrick’s Hospital. If you are interested in commissioning services through Public or Private funding then please call If you are interested in supporting our work through Corporate Partnerships or Sponsorship, we would love to hear from you.
Public Sector Partners
Tusla: YAP Ireland has been providing Intensive Support services to young people and families at risk since 2002 in partnership with Tusla Child and Family Agency achieving positive outcomes. If you work for Tusla Child and Family Agency and are not currently referring to YAP Ireland please contact us.
HSE Disability: YAP Ireland provide Intensive Support services to young people with Disabilities referred by the HSE. In Cavan Monaghan, places are jointly funded by Tusla and the HSE.
HSE Mental Health: YAP Ireland provide Independent Advocacy Services in CHO2 West for the in-patient adolescent unit and Community CAMHS teams. We recently extended the service to the in-patient adolescent unit in Linn Dara, Cherry Orchard. We also provide Intensive Support for young people in the community referred by CAMHS teams.
If you are a Disability or CAMHS professional and are interested in the Intensive Support or Independent Advocacy Services please contact us.
Private Partners: YAP Ireland also provides an Independent Advocacy Service to in-patient adolescent mental health units for St John of Gods Ginesa Suite, and St Patricks Hospital. If you are a private CAMHS professional and are interested in the Independent Advocacy or Intensive Support Services please contact us.
Irish Youth Justice: YAP Ireland have been providing services to young people leaving Oberstown Childrens Detention Campus and transitioning back into life in their communities since 2015.
Leading Ireland’s Future Together (LIFT) – YAP Ireland partnered up with LIFT Ireland in June 2024 to implement the LIFT leadership programme across our staff teams and services. YAP Ireland are delighted to be able to collaborate with LIFT on their bespoke programme which supports organisational and staff development. LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise initiative aimed at increasing the level of positive leadership in Ireland. Leadership is not limited to a select few and everyone can be a leader in their own way.

For further information on any of our services call (01) 8689180 or email